Three young men travelling by car related that they were followed by a saucer shaped object for some 80km. At times it was low enough that they were able to see portholes. Five cameras were used to take some 92 exposure of the object. The men reported their observations to police, and then were interviewed by the RAAF who allegedly took away the cameras. Later the cameras were returned minus the films. (ASR Vol 5 No 3 1959 p13).
035 1955 Near Eucla WA/SA border CE3/photo
Three young men returned to Melbourne with what they said was the picture of an entity. They said they saw a shiny object fall to the ground. After searching they found jagged pieces of shining metal and saw a moving figure fifty metres away. It was said to resemble a frog from the back and semi-human from the front. It had a green cloak hanging to just below the knees. Its feet and hands were armour plated. After photos were taken the thing just disintegrated before their eyes. ("Daily Telegraph" Aug 2 1955.)
037 15 Jun 1956 Goomalling WA ? (31:18, 116:49)
2 perfectly round circles were discovered in a clay paddock. They were 3.6m in diameter and close together. Everywhere else in the paddock was good grass but the circles weren't growing. (PUFORG.)
066 2 Aug 1964 Whittenom WA CE1
Residents called police to tell them they had observed a cigar-shape lined with windows, which shone with red, white, orange and yellow lights. There was a red tail and it was some 50m long, being only some 10m above the ground. (UFOSH. p157.)
069 23 May 1965 Morawa WA CE2 0130hrs French
A Mr and Mrs French stopped their car after a loud noise suddenly interrupted their car radio. Nothing seemed wrong with the car so they resumed their drive. About 2km further down the road they encountered six or more glowing white lights which were shining upon a paddock from an estimated height of three metres. This sight was accompanied by a piercing shrill sound. The couple did not stop to investigate. Further down the road the car radio was affected again, while the lights could be seen in the paddock behind them. (FSWDTCF. p52.)
079 24 Jan 1966 Perth WA Photo 2230hrs Benedek
A Mr L Benedek said he was taking colour photographs during the evening when he saw a bluish green light. "It was oval shaped with an antenna on the front and dropped towards the river at terrific speed" he said. Two shots were taken. The RAAF examined them and later received requests for information from the US Pentagon. The pictures in source 3 show the lights of Perth and a ball of light with an attached tail. (1. Aust FSR No 5 Vic Jul 66. 2. UFOSH p 58. Aust FSR Review No 9 UFOIC inside cover (pic) and story p 42. 3. "Sun Herald" Sydney. 5/6/66).
092 14 Aug 1966 Kununurra Western Australia CE1 2353hrs Johnson
A Mr Johnson was working on a bull dozer at night when he was approached by an object which illuminated the dozer, ground and him. It hovered 200m away for four to five minutes. There were white and red lights on it. It slowly went off and disappeared, then came back again later that night. The next night it paced his vehicle only 100m distance. Shining his torch on it he could see two doors and many windows. ("Sun-Herald" Nov 27 1966. AFSR, No 6. p8.)
100 30 Oct 1967 Boyup Brook WA CE2 2130hrs
A man travelling at 95-100 km/hr along a quiet stretch of road became aware of a lighted object approaching him from the air. Almost immediately the car stopped dead and all the electrical system, lights, motor and radio went dead. There was no feeling of deceleration at all, but the car came to an instant stop. When the car stopped he noticed that he was immersed in a beam of light which seemed to come from a tube, which in turn issued from the object.
After about five minutes the tube of light closed off, just like a torch being switched off. The object itself was some 10m in diameter and about 30m up in the air. The tube came out of it at a forty five degree angle and focussed right on the driver. The colour was reported as iridescent blue. After the tube of light went out the object left at high speed in a westerly direction. It vanished from view in seconds.
The reporter then stated that the vehicle was then doing the same speed as before it all began, i.e.95-100km/hr. However, there had been no feeling of acceleration from stop to that speed. There was no noise from the object at any stage. (VUFORS. Retrospective investigation by Keith Basterfield. AFSR(V). No 8. p18.)
103 16 Nov 1967 Yerecoin WA CE1 1830hrs Poole
A farmer, Mr A Poole, was out mustering sheep in a Landrover when he became aware of a humming sound which increased in intensity. He then saw an object at a distance of half a kilometre. It approached his vehicle and stopped next to it at about 1-2m distance. The humming noise was very strong and he could feel vibrations form it. It looked like an inverted saucer, being some 3-6m in diameter, and 1.6-2m high, with four windows, two round and two square, on the side visible to him. It was a grey metallic colour. It seemed to hover, just 1m off the ground. He demanded to know what it was doing there, and he heard an echo of his own voice. No unusual electromagnetic effects were noted. He attempted to get out of his Landrover but as he did so the object ascended. By the time he was out, two to three seconds, it was out of sight, although he could still hear a humming sound. No traces were left. (AFSR. No 8. p13.)
109 8 Feb 1968 Koorda WA CE1 1000hrs Stephens
A Mr Stephens was ploughing a paddock when his dog ran off. He looked up and saw an orange-red, circular object moving along, only 4m off the ground, less than 600 metres away. It seemed to be travelling about 50km/hr. It didn't appear to have any windows or lights. Finally it was lost to sight over a hill 300m away to the south-south-east. (UFOSH p163.)
116 22 Aug 1968 Zanthus WA NL 1740hrs
Captain Gordon Smith and Captain Walter Gardin were flying from Adelaide to Perth in a Piper Navajo aircraft, at 2400m. Some distance ahead they sighted "a formation of aircraft." There was a large one and four or five smaller ones. These objects appeared to be keeping station with the plane. Kalgoorlie Air Traffic Control advised no known aircraft in the area. Communications were then lost by the plane. The main UFO split into two sections with the smaller objects manoeuvring around. Then the whole formation joined together and departed at tremendous speed. (1. Victorian UFO Research Society. 2. Flying Saucer Review 24(5):9-10.)
134 20 Feb 1969 Norseman WA CE2 1500hrs
A fully fuelled car began "to gasp" as if running out of petrol. A cigar shape was then noticed 25m away near the road. It was 10m long and moved away above trees, kicking up dust and leaves as it did so. The car then sped ahead. The object disappeared very quickly taking ten seconds to rise and disappear from view. (AUFOR. No 10. p27.)
141 21 Mar 1969 Kalgoorlie WA Photo
A photograph was submitted to the RAAF whose conclusion was that the picture only showed a lens flare. (RAAF summary 1969.)
186 Jun 1972 Perth WA Day Photo
A professional photographer took a single picture of an object which was observed rising from the ground, nearby him. The photo shows a small undefined blob. (Perth "Sunday Times" 25/6/72 (pic).)
294 Sep 1975 Narrogin WA FA (32:56, 117:11)
A depression was found in an oat paddock. Oats outside this area were 1.4m tall, but inside, only 17cm tall, depressed in a SSE direction. No holes or actual indentations were found. The whole area was an approximate rectangle about 14.6 by 7.6m, with two 2.4m radius arcs on two corners, not flattened. (UFORWA. ACOSB no 3 p10 Sep 75.)
348 16 Oct 1977 Meekatharra WA CE1 1410hrs
At least twelve people watched a disc shaped object rise up from a nearby rock outcrop. As it rose a sort of vapour rolled down the rock. The disc, with domes on top and bottom, had a smooth metallic lustre. A smaller bright red light came out of the side of the silver one, and hovered, before shooting off out of sight. Finally, the silver object rose and disappeared from view. (UFORNSW Newsletter 53. p8.)
349 17 Oct 1977 Mt Magnet WA CE3
A group of eight people went out to look for some lights which had reportedly landed near the town's rubbish dump. Upon arrival they saw round, pulsating, green and red lights. Around them appeared to be misty and something which appeared to be of human size was observed. ("Daily News" Perth Oct 17-20 1977.)
362 Feb 1978 Baladonia WA CE4
A memory lapse of some three hours is said to have been associated with the observation of two unusual lights. During this time a thirty year old truck driver says he recalls: "...talking to somebody about inventing something...also I remember speaking with two voices..." Investigations have been unable to learn anything more about the event. (Jeff Bell, Perth.)
392 19 June 1980 Ogilvie WA ? (?)
4 circular marks on the edge of a paddock were located. The marks were 1.3m in diameter, 10cm deep and evenly spaced 8.7m apart. They were in a soft barley paddock. ("Daily News" Perth 20/6/80.)
400 16 May 1981 Cocklebiddy WA CE2 1915hrs Winsome
Mr H. J. Winsome and his wife were travelling by car when they approached a stationary, bright red, glowing structure apparently on the ground not too far from the road. As they came level with it, it disappeared. Through their car window they saw a pink glow high in the sky. They experienced an uncomfortable perspiring effect on their bodies for a short while, although the outside air temperature was cool. (UFORSA.)
405 28 Mar 1982 Esperance WA CE2 0300hrs Collins/Yeend
Mrs F. Collins and Mrs M. Yeed reported the engine of their van was affected by the close approach of a brilliant object. They stated it came within 300m, and was soundless. Investigations by this author suggest the object was in fact the planet Venus. (UFORAN 3/3/4.)
410 17 Jun 1983 Thornlie WA CE2 0645hrs Pragnell
Mr Pragnell, was enroute to work on his motor bike when he saw what he at first took to be an aircraft. It was delta shaped, soundless, with two very bright white lights on each wing. Suddenly his motor bike engine stopped and he rolled to a halt still watching the mysterious object. It disappeared at a speed faster than a plane. (PUFORG.)
414 13 Oct 1984 Perth WA Photo 1130hrs
A man watched as a black, cigar shaped object appeared over some trees, and climbed vertically into the sky. He stopped his car and photographed it. (PUFORG.)
416 13 Jun 1985 Lake Clifton WA CE2 0515hrs
Travelling by car a Manjimup farmer was followed by a bright orange light. He saw it on three separate occasions. The third time he stated that the inside of the car became hot. Police were notified. (Western Australian UFO Investigation Centre. (WAUFOIC.))
429 20 Jan 1988 Mundrabilla WA CE2 0410hrs
The Knowles family reported that a bright light picked up their car and dropped it, causing it to blow a tyre. A black dust was reportedly found on the vehicle after the event. Tests for radioactivity were negative. Regression hypnosis revealed no abduction scenario. Analysis of dust from inside the car revealed only know elements. Dust from the top of the car taken by the police within hours of the event showed nothing abnormal. (UFORSA & UFO Research Australia. (UFORA.))
437 12 Apr 1989 Perth WA CE3 0025hrs
Whilst awake in bed, with her sleeping husband, a German woman became aware of a high pitched sound. On the right side of the bed she suddenly saw an entity-estimated to be 60-70cm tall. It was semi-transparent and wore a bright green neon belt and a green ring. The entity was in the process of examining a box when the lady moved. The entity touched the belt and simply vanished. (UFORAN 7(1):22.)
456 June 1991 Perth WA ? (31:57, 115:51)
Double rings were first found in June 1991, then photographed in March 1992. The rings, near the Blackwood River, Augusta, appear to have changed little in one year and vegetation appears sparse in the area. The circles are about 15m across. (Brian Richards/UFORUM.)
458 13 Nov 1991 Mt Magnet WA NL 0230hrs
A man was travelling alone in a utility at 100km/hr when he suddenly saw a light appear on the horizon in front of him. The light became brighter and approached him, turning a yellowish colour as it came nearer. He dipped the vehicle's headlights thinking it might be an approaching truck. The round object came within an estimated 200m, then simply stayed at that distance no matter whether he slowed down or accelerated. At its closest it was pure white. He did a U turn and the light followed him before finally leaving. Duration 20 minutes. (UFORA-Keith Basterfield.)
467 13 May 1992 Perth WA Photo 1650hrs
While driving alone, a man saw a black, rectangular shape head of his vehicle. As he got nearer it was seen to be an upright cylinder, about the size of a 44 gallon drum. Travelling slowly, in a north to south direction, there appeared to be a blue glow beneath but attached to the object. The man took a photograph of it. (Brian Richards/UFORUM.)
468 13 Aug 1992 Geraldton WA CE1 0330hrs
After dreaming of being caught in a bushfire, and feeling its heat, Linda awoke to find a softly glowing orange sphere about the size of a rock melon, at arm's length in front of her face. It just hovered there. Even stranger were the fins all round it. The bottom two were larger than the rest, were a golden yellow colour, and were truncated rather than pointed. The object moved silently to the right and simply disappeared near the door. (Brian Richards/UFORUM.)
469 19 Sep 1992 Jarradale WA CE3 1200hrs
A man and his son, out hunting firewood, saw a jet black object close by. The "thing" had no arms and on either side of the head were two white patches where eyes might have been. It was estimated to be some 3 1/2m tall. (UFORUM.)
470 22 Mar 1993 Armadale WA CE2 2315hrs
Jenny was driving along when she noticed a very bright light like a white flare. It was falling towards the ground. As she got closer she saw it was spherical, with a smaller sphere on either side. There were 2 other motorists ahead who did not appear to see the object. As she drew yet closer, the lights moved to the right of her vehicle over waste ground. The car radio started to crackle and went dead, and the car's lights dimmed. She pulled the car over for a better look and then saw there were in fact three lights in a row, two on either side of a central one, aligned horizontally. As she drove off the car's radio returned to normal. The object simply disappeared. Duration of the event was 3 minutes. (Brian Richards/UFORUM. UFORA93056.)
471 Jun 1993 Myaree WA 0010hrs CE2
A computer technician was driving when he suddenly noticed moving red, green and blue lights shaped like an inverted bunsen burner. After dropping behind some trees, the object then rose and headed towards him. At this point the car's engine died. The man got out of his car and telephoned friends to tell them what had happened. He said a plane was following the object for 12 minutes. (Brian Richards/UFORUM. UFORA93073.)
474 Aug 1994 Albany WA Dusk CE1
A goat farmer was milking one of his goats at a location some 35km from Albany. The light was poor but suddenly the area was lit by a blue light. Looking up he saw a large, oval object hovering some 20m above him. It had a row of windows or portholes visible. There was no sound. He went into his house to alert others but by the time they emerged the object had gone.(Brian Richards/UFORUM.)